In the picturesque countryside of Southern France, a lovely and vibrant young lady finds herself being pursued and ultimately assaulted by a shadowy figure wearing a mask. Despite the traumatic ordeal, she manages to defend herself by fatally shooting the assailant and disposing of his body in the nearby ocean. However, her troubles do not end there when an unexpected American detective arrives on the scene, unsettling her with his uncanny knowledge of the events that transpired. As their paths intertwine, she begins to uncover a web of secrets and deceit that could potentially unravel her carefully constructed life. With the detective getting closer by the day, she must confront her darkest fears and make harrowing decisions to protect herself from the menacing forces that surround her.
本片每集大概时长120分钟,以上就是大致讲叙的内容,关于《雨中的乘客》这部影片也有其它名称:雨中怪客,雨中的怪客,Rider on the Rain,在狼芳影视有4148位看过的影迷朋友为它归为剧情 惊悚 犯罪类影片,喜欢记得分享哦
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