An American family excitedly fulfills their dream of reconnecting with their heritage when they inherit a secluded cabin in the rugged mountains of Norway. However, their joy turns to shock when they discover an irritable elf has taken refuge in the barn on the property. As tensions rise and the elfs patience wears thin, a harrowing battle for survival erupts, plunging the family into a chilling and darkly comedic struggle to outwit their supernatural foe. Set against the backdrop of the Norwegian wilderness, this nightmarish yet humorous horror-comedy delves into...
本片每集大概时长100分钟,以上就是大致讲叙的内容,关于《谷仓之物》这部影片也有其它名称:gucangzhiwu,在狼芳影视有4831位看过的影迷朋友为它归为喜剧 恐怖 奇幻类影片,喜欢记得分享哦
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